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Villa Grock

Born at Reconvilier (Switzerland) in 1880 and crowned “King of Clowns” at the Olympia of Paris in 1919, Adrien Wettach was an international star from the beginning of the 20th century to his public farewell in 1954. He was an extraordinary artist, a juggler and an acrobat, who could play a variety of musical instruments, holding audiences the world over spellbound

He discovered Imperia by chance, during a visit he paid to his parents-in-law, spending a holiday there in 1920.  He was so taken that he bought a house surrounded by a large garden, where he originally intended to spend his holidays. There he built a Villa overlooking the hills of Oneglia, which gradually became Wettach’s home, until his death in 1959.

Following a faithful restoration in 2006, this “enchanted location” of Western Liguria was reopened to visitors. The garden in particular has been completely restored, to reflect both the flowers and the landscaping envisaged by Adrien Wettach.

Address: Via Fanny Roncati Carli, Imperia
Contact: tel. 0183 704211 (Provincia); cell.
339 7691525 (Caretaker)

Open Friday and Saturday 15.00-17.00, and Sunday 10.00 to 12.00, and 15.00 to 17.00

every day 9.30/18.00 Sunday, 30/10/13 14.30/18.30

Glass artisans
Produced since 1956, more than 300 different models of the internationally-famous” bubbled glass”. This is a entertaining journey for young and old, showcasing traditional production methods, demonstrated live to visitors in this picturesque and historic medieval village. (Suggested by Monica Buscaglia)