there is already enough information available about Apricale, on the web, in
newspapers and in the general media. If you enter Apricale in any search
engine you come up with thousands of references, photos and histories, enough to
satisfy even the most dedicated surfer. So why do we propose another site?
With Apricaleinfo, a group of volunteers and friends of this of this beautiful
village want to provide easily accessible and useful news, information, and
in four languages to residents, guests and visitors, wherever they
are, in via Angeli or Los Angeles.
It is often difficult to discover what is going on in the village and the
surrounding area.
The growth of the internet can offer not only residents, and guests, but also
visitors and friends from far and near, the chance to participate in the life of
the village. This will be the aim of this site.
Our site is being launched with the support of the Comune of Apricale, although
we are independent of the Comune. We aim to be free of commercial interests,
although we will make references to local businesses and events.
This will be information for you, and from you.
Join us. |