Besides being popular for fishing and hunting, Cosio is also a favourite place for Sunday outings because of the fresh mountain air, the delicious food (including a speciality called “pizzoccheri” and ravioli with herbs and potatoes) and the many opportunities for making excursions. Among the interesting places to visit are the fort on Monte Esce, the Cornarena grotto and Colletta in the Cosio countryside.
Herb Museum
The compact town has two faces: on the one hand there is the underground layout of the maze of dark alleys and tunnels; on the other hand, there are the low sunlit houses, with balconies so close together that they almost touch, and the characteristic slate roofs. Cosio was not affected by the building boom, although it has felt the effects of depopulation.

Of special interest is the Herb Museum and the Piero Simondo Museum. Ask for the key in the village or call the number on the door.
Piero Simondo