Rita de Santis: “Prisoners of Words” exhibition
Via Angeli 62.
de Santis, poet and creator of installation art using recycled
material, is presenting her exhibition entitled “Prisoners of Words”
from 10th - 30th August.
exhibition, which combines artistic and social dimensions, deals
with the ambiguity of language, focusing on words which over time
have acquired additional meanings, so that far from setting us free,
they have made us into prisoners.
is an interactive exhibition, and visitors are welcome to take part
in discussions with the aim of restoring the original sense to the
words which have become compromised.
groups of more than ten, we would be grateful if you would make a
reservation by telephone on 34 88 23 95 34.
Vivere ad Apricale
scuote il tempo
non sottomesso
a leggi e si inerpica
per le vene
della tua vita
fino al tetto
del tronco di cono
ove esplode
il destino del sole.
Solitario il ranuncolo
conta petali e lucciole.
Il mondo…lontano
un pianeta
da dimenticare.
Rita De Santis |
Rita de Santis was born at Termoli and now lives in
Ghedi (Brescia), but Apricale has been her spiritual home and
workplace for 25 years. Since obtaining a diploma in philosophy with
her thesis on non-violence, she has been an assistant at the
Faccultà di Architettura at the University of Naples, and she writes
on Italian literature for two prestigious cultural journals based in
New York. She has always maintained her passion for writing, for
literary essays and for installation art. In Italy she contributes
to “Il Secondo Rinascimento” and to “Il Club degli Autori”, which
she edited for a time.
She has published a successful novel entitled “Il
Nuoro” and several collections of poems, of which “Il vento e la
Primavera” (“Wind and Springtime”) she has dedicated to Apricale.
She directs an annual poetry
workshop entitled La Madrigaleria, and publishes a collection of
poems every year; the 2012 edition is called “Ursa Major’s Bed and